More Innovation:
CENGN’s CCSS Training Provides Students with Industry Certification and Full University Credit Course
CENGN Academy’s Courses Added to uOttawa’s Engineering Curriculum
In January 2021, the University of Ottawa’s Engineering Faculty and Professional Development Institute partnered with CENGN to bring students new technical training programs.
CENGN is a not-for-profit organization with the vision to advance global technology innovation for the prosperity of all Canadians. Beyond offering commercialization services, the organization specializes in talent development, delivering cloud technology courses and certifications to Canadian professionals and students through their training program, CENGN Academy.
CENGN Academy is a pan-Canadian training program and a key driver in bridging the skill gaps identified by the most advanced companies in cloud computing and networking technologies. By arming experienced professionals, new graduates, and students with the most relevant skills in one of the most fast-paced, growing industries in the world, CENGN Academy is working to advance the global competitiveness of the Canadian ICT workforce.
CENGN Academy’s training programs bridge the gap between schooling and the workplace providing hands-on, applicable learning to train students in technology skills urgently needed in the workplace.
“Our focus in the Faculty of Engineering is supporting all our students, not only while they’re on campus but also once they’ve launched their careers – this is lifelong learning. One crucial element to accomplish this is through partnerships with industry leaders. Partnering with CENGN has become a key part of our strategy to offer the best and most relevant training possible to our students.” – Jacques Beauvais, Dean Faculty of Engineering.
CENGN Academy’s Cloud System Specialist Training – Now a Full Credit
Using the CENGN Cloud System Specialist (CCSS) content, uOttawa’s Engineering Faculty turned CENGN’s online training into a university course for the 2021 Using the CENGN Cloud System Specialist (CCSS) content, uOttawa’s Engineering Faculty turned CENGN’s online training into a university course for the 2021 winter semester. The graduate course consisted of all CENGN’s CCSS content and labs; plus, preliminary material prepared by Dr. Ben Eze of uOttawa.
“CENGN works on the very edge of cloud technologies, so we use the CCSS to train our own interns every semester. This ensures that interns can work productively in a fast-moving technical field. It also sets them up for their future careers. We are very pleased to provide this hands-on training as a course for the uOttawa Engineering faculty,” said Peter Heath, Senior Manager, Training Programs at CENGN.
Taught with CENGN Academy’s CCSS training material as well as access to labs on CENGN’s commercial-grade hybrid cloud, students gained critical data analysis skills and a deeper understanding of cloud computing software through hands-on experience. The university course was created for graduate students and treated as a credit towards a student’s degree.
“The graduate course included all CENGN’s CCSS content and labs and was delivered by Dr. Ben Eze of Ottawa, who is certified to deliver the CENGN course. This advanced technology training and hands-on experience in collaboration with industry leaders are what our students are looking for and what Canadian employers need from our graduates to compete in today’s marketplace.” – Liam Peyton, Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies Faculty of Engineering.
Cloud Systems Training Results
Before finishing the Winter 2021 course, students were allowed to complete CENGN’s in-house CCSS certification exam. Upon completion, students were awarded a virtual badge showcasing that they achieved the hands-on experience needed to work effectively in a professional cloud environment. With an 84% passing rate, 32 out of 38 students who enrolled for the certification exam passed.

Permanent Course Code and Name
Due to the success of the course, CENGN Academy’s Cloud System Specialist training is becoming a permanent for-credit uOttawa Engineering Faculty course under the name “ELG 5164 – Cloud Infrastructure and Technologies.” The course is available to graduate and top undergraduate students through uOttawa and CarletonU’s Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering (OCIECE).
About CENGEN Academy’s Courses
The CENGN Academy program enables learners to “master cloud-native with the experts.” Courses are instructor supported, online and self-paced, mirroring a shift in demand for engaging remote learning due to the pandemic that is sure to continue long after COVID-19. Focusing on cloud and cloud-native technologies, DevOps and intelligent networking, courses target critical skill gaps in the Canadian tech sector. Learners will extend their skills in many fields along the smart networking spectrum, including containerization, infrastructure automation and machine learning – especially with open-source tools.
For more information on CENGN Academy courses for professionals available through uOttawa’s Professional Development Institute, please go to
For more information on the CENGN Academy courses available at uOttawa, please go to
For questions on CENGN Academy, please reach out to
Rick Penwarden
Senior Manager, Communications
Marcelle Kimberley
Marketing and Communications Manager
Room: CBY B103
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 6683
CENGN Academy
UOTTAWA Faculty of Engineering